SECTION | Item or Ref ID | Value or text |
Identification |
TA code | A12.0.00.002 |
Entity ID number | THA:3570 |
FMA identifier | FMA:3726 |
Type of entity | Material entity |
Language |
TA98 Latin preferred term | anastomosis arteriolovenularis |
TA98 Latin official synonym | anastomosis arteriovenosa |
TA98 English equivalent | arteriolovenular anastomosis |
TA98 English synonym | arteriovenous anastomosis |
Notes |
TA98 footnote | Anastomosis arteriolovenularis Although the term anastomosis arteriovenosa is widely used, for the sake of correctness anastomosis arteriolovenularis is the preferred term, since the structure in question does not link an artery and a vein, but an arteriole and a venule. |
TA98 Hierarchy |
A01.0.00.000 |
A12.0.00.000 |
A12.0.00.002 |
anastomosis arteriolovenularis
FMA Taxonomy |
FMA:62955 |
anatomical entity
FMA:61775 |
physical anatomical entity
FMA:67165 |
material anatomical entity
FMA:67135 |
anatomical structure
FMA:5898 |
anatomical junction
FMA:11337 |
zone of continuity
FMA:3726 |
Date: 29.01.2013 |